Bead Table Wednesday: Necklace and Studio Update

Two Wednesdays ago, I said I was starting a studio clean up.  I haven’t made a lot of progress, but there are a few signs of hope.  This was my work table 2 weeks ago.

Linda Landig Jewelry work table

Close up of cluttered jewelry work table.

It’s not a whole lot better, but if you look at the picture below, you’ll notice that there is a bit of clear space on the left.  And although there are materials out and about, they are mostly related to the current project, and are not just random clutter.

jewelry work bench

jewelry work table

I am nearly done with this necklace.  I decided I didn’t like the clasp I had made, so I removed it and still need to make a new one.  I’m also going to remove one of the long calcite beads on the right, and instead, extend the chain a bit longer.  Even though it is an asymmetrical design, there still needs to be a sense of balance.  I think it will look more balanced with these revisions. The butterfly pendant and flower bead were made by Yolanda’s Clay.  The 2 little swirly ceramic squares on the bottom right were made by Marsha Neal Studio and they will eventually become earrings.

handmade necklace in progress

This white board (see picture below) is no longer propped up on the floor. I put the bulletin boards in the closet, until I can paint them and I put away the other “junk”.

Wall hangings on the floor

Bulletin boards and white boards that need hanging up.

message center

Whiteboard & Mannequin

Looks better, huh?  I’ve got a running To-Do list up there, the due dates for the Beads Of Clay Challenge (I’m on the design team), a necklace idea and a magnetic calendar.  The drawings above the whiteboard are by my brother, Jeff Kaufman.  To the left you can see a new addition to my studio,  This is Matilda II.  Why the 2?  My mother was quite artistic and she made a torso sculpture that we affectionately called Matilda.  This mannequin is also just a torso and so she is Matilda the Second.  It’s such a pleasure to have the white board hanging and functional now.  As you can see, small things make me happy.

What small things put a smile on your face?


Visit the BTW Flickr group and see what others have on their  bead tables.

link to BTW Flickr group

9 thoughts on “Bead Table Wednesday: Necklace and Studio Update

  1. Organized workspace = organized mind… LOL, if only it were that easy! It’s a good place to start and the bonus is I always seem to find something great that I “lost” in all that creative mess. I love bulletin boards for organizing design ideas. I have two in my workroom and each is 3′ x 4′. Nice selection of art beads. I love Mathilda, but I hope she’s not one of those nosy roommates that constantly wants input with your designs!

    • LOL about Matilda II. Her mother, Matilda senior, (the sculpture) has only one lip, and no head above that, so she is barely able to grumble, but Matilda II has no mouth at all and has resigned herself to wearing whatever I put on her. At least she has nice accessories for her outfits! 😀

      I do not have an organized mind, but I try to compensate by organizing my surroundings.

  2. I can see all the open space on your table. Any bit of space I make on mine is usually covered up with more junk. So your LONG stretch of space there looks like tranquility should!

  3. Oh, Linda, your “messy” table looks so much neater than my messy table. Now you have shamed me into clearing some space. Well, it had to be done so I guess I should be glad that you motivated me. Your post did make me feel better. I had finished a necklace last night and was not happy with it. I really didn’t want to take it apart and rearrange. Now I see that someone else, whose work I admire must do the same thing. I usually only see the beautiful finished product. That necklace is fantastic.

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